What's Next for GodotCraft?


Okay, now that that's out the way, let me talk about my plans for this project as I think it is important to stick to a very transparent process and let you guys see behind the veil if it were. So get whatever you may want to have beside you while reading a long post, and let's get to it.

In working on GodotCraft, my aim was to create a game that captured the spirit of the early days of Minecraft, as that was the time in the game's development and history where I found it the most fun. Upon the challenge being bestowed upon me, I jumped at the opportunity to create a game that is very much what I grew up playing and while I wish to complete that goal, there is some things that are stopping me from doing it to the full extent I see for this game. I want to be able to add piles of content into the game, and to be able to say this game is everything I love about Minecraft and more.

The main issue and point of struggle I am finding is creating the Survival mode aspect, as I want it to be based heavily on the foundation that Minecraft has bestowed for the last 15 years, there are parts that are very easy to create such as the UI, I can do that basically with my eyes closed, but the actual gameplay such as simple things like the delayed breaking of blocks or resource gathering are very hard to recreate.

Now what am I planning to remedy this, I am posing a complete rebuild in a different framework or engine, this will give me a lot more freedom to create what I want in the game and I am wanting to follow in Bedrock's footsteps (I know surprising) and doing the game in C++ and either OpenGL or another Graphics Library. Although first, I am going to take a break to get my coding skills up and learn more about things. So there is a high chance you will see more games from me soon, with GodotCraft taking a backseat for a while.

Thanks for reading, I hope to be able to share the progress I am making across my game development journey very soon! 

bl0om out <3

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