VERSION 0.2: QOL and New Features

Hello all,

The latest version of GodotCraft is here, bringing the Quality of Life features I wish I had in the base 0.1 release but was too tired to code in at the time. I worked on this all of yesterday and some today, so I know it's all bug free!

Patch Notes:

  • Added Main Menu [Load Game is subject to change]
  • Hotbar that changes when new blocks are chosen
  • Added a pause menu when Esc is clicked
  • Sprint and Crouch now are viable when Ctrl or Shift is pressed
  • Crosshair has been added to help building
  • Fullscreen Button added in pause menu's options screen

I hope you are looking forward to the next version of GC as much as I am!



GodotCraft_0.2 [Windows] 30 MB
87 days ago
GodotCraft_0.2 [Linux] 59 MB
87 days ago
GodotCraft_0.2 [Mac] 52 MB
87 days ago

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