VERSION 0.1: The First Chapter

Why hello there people of,

I am bl0om, I'm a 17 year old game developer / music producer / college student from the United of Kingdoms, I like to describe the games I make as taking a pre-existing franchise and intentionally for comedic value making it worse. My current project is a game I am tenatively calling GodotCraft, a voxel sandbox game similar to the like of Minecraft (which is where I derived the name from along with the engine I am creating this in.

I originally started making games in 2018 when I opened Unity for the first time, back then my naivety got the better of me and I couldn't really even follow along with basic Brackeys tutorials, let alone make a full game alone, so I decided I would go back to trying to write music, later deciding to try UE4 and finding enjoyment in making worlds in it, I released my first project on itch in 2022 entitled InK City (looking to take on the likes of Grand Theft Auto since we had just gotten the horror show that was The Trilogy: Definitive Edition) but due to my weak performance on my PC and my hard drive corrupting the file, I gave up on the game to try and think of a more reasonable option. 

Landing myself in 2023 to try the GameMaker Engine (more specifically 8.1) while in school one day, I tried making a game called Buzzkill which was a very jank but rewarding experience where the player, well... kills Buzz from Toy Story. GameMaker would be the engine that I'd stick with, developing Exit Light, a prototype called The Light Isn't Safe (inspired by Rain World) and just becoming more and more comfortable in my game development skills. Although when I formed bl0om light studios in 2024, I got familar with the Godot Engine, and after being challenged by a TA from college to use my Godot knowledge to make a clone of Minecraft, I created the subject of the Devlog you are reading. 

Currently implemented features include:

  • Movement (as it is literally needed)
  • Breaking and Placing blocks
  • A way to exit the game
  • Item swapping

Things I want to implement:

  • Both a Creative like mode where you can focus on building more so than surviving
  • A survival mode similar to that of Beta 1.7.3 (Minecraft) but with Sprinting as I feel it's a QOL feature
  • Sprinting, Flying and actual crouching (instead of the half speed walk you do)
  • A boss like creature alongside other enemies in the survival mode
  • Procedural Generation

Thanks for reading this! If you have any ideas for features or blocks you would like me to add to the game, leave a comment on here. I will see you soon with update 0.2, where the game will hopefully be a tiny bit more functional and have a few much needed QOL features! 

bl0om out!


GodotCraft_0.1 [WINDOWS] 66 MB
90 days ago
GodotCraft_0.1 [MAC] 52 MB
90 days ago
GodotCraft_0.1 [LINUX] 59 MB
90 days ago

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